Course Feedback
100% found the course very good - excellent
100% agree - strongly agree that the programme is accessible
100% found the subject understandable, marking it as very good - excellent
"This training should be implemented for all nurseries and even reception classes, to support children's handwriting. It encourages children to use their whole body before putting pen to paper."
Head of Nursery
“The training received from Lucille was very detailed and well presented; the information sharing and physical tasks made it really effective for our team to understand.
Lucille as a trainer was friendly, energetic, very knowledgeable and adapted her approach to meet our needs; Thank you Lucille!
We are looking forward to starting this programme to support our children to develop their pre-writing skills!”
Nursery Manager
"This course provides a full body sensory experience which enables you to process letter formation with your entire being."
Nursery Teacher
"Lucille Made the programme exciting and engaging. All the subjects were clear and easy to follow. I would strongly recommend this course to anyone."
Nursery Teacher
"The course was very streamlined, focused and enjoyable and practical."
Early Years Educator
"Well thought out and fun too! Impressive pre - post intervention differences."
"This multi-sensory, perceptuo-motor programme will provide the full range of skills and practice to develop pre-writing skills through fun and engaging sessions."
"The training showed a really child-centred, engaging package that will give children a positive experience to learning early writing skills."
"I loved this course - well done... it was very helpful."
"This was an extremely useful, practical, and informative course. It was clear and the handbook was well laid-out with wonderful resources. All in all, this is an incredible programme that will engage and help many children enjoy mark-making."
"This was a really informative and enjoyable training session which included a comprehensive introduction to the rationale and evidence behind the programme and then very clear instructions and demonstrations of the sessions and activities, with opportunities to practice the activities that were modelled.
The programme is a really practical clinical tool that can be adapted to suit a child’s individual learning and/or physical abilities.
The accompanying manual is clearly laid out and easy to follow, with a comprehensive list of resources and photocopiable worksheets. Loved the QR codes linking to videos of all the songs!"